Term And Condition


  • Check-In: After 11:00 AM
  • Check-Out: Before 11:00 AM

Children & Beds Children

  • above the age of 12 are recommended.

Extra Bed On Request

  • The maximum number of adults are two, in a room.
  • We provide an extra bed for children, depending on the room you select.
  • Only two rooms are available for extra bed
  • No Food allowed in Rooms


  • In case the booking gets cancelled, before 30 days from the arrival date, we are happy to refund your advance amount.
  • If the booking is cancelled within 30 days from the arrival date, then advance money will be adjustable with your future booking at Deeppura Garh.

Return Policy

  • Once your cancellation is initiated Your booking amount will be refunded in your bank account within 7 working days.